Is your car park causing you problems? We can help you develop a robust car park management strategy to make the best use of all your available spaces, ensure parking is allocated to those with greatest need, and reduce demand by encouraging staff to use alternative means.
Car park management strategy
A smart journeys solution
Is your car park causing you problems? Could more employees travel without a car? We can help you develop a robust car park management strategy to make the best use of all your available spaces, ensure parking is allocated to those with greatest need, and reduce demand by encouraging staff to use alternative means.
What is a car park management strategy?
Poorly planned car parks can cause congestion, frustration, and make getting in and out of work a hassle for your staff. An effective car park management strategy helps reduce demand and prevents a ‘free for all’ attitude, ensuring spaces are available for those who need them most and encouraging alternative forms of transport.
Why do I need one?
A well-implemented strategy can help you:
Manage supply and demand so you need fewer parking spaces and have lower costs
Encourage staff to use more sustainable forms of travel, reducing traffic congestion
Promote a happier, healthier workforce and improve recruitment and retention
Ensure available spaces are used fairly and appropriately
Meet travel plan targets, adhere to planning conditions, and manage office relocations
Improve relationships with neighbouring residents and businesses.
Our solution
We develop and deliver a strategic business plan that helps you make the best use of the available car parking spaces at your workplace.
We use accessibility data, staff postcode mapping, methodology assessments, action plans, marketing tools and more to make your management strategy a reality, tailoring our approach to your organization.
What’s included in the service?
Accessibility assessment and demand management evaluation
Staff postcode analysis and mapping to help identify demand for alternative travel options
Data assessment, measuring the impact of a selection of parking methodologies
Advice on parking permit allocation and eligibility criteria to support new policies
Support to produce and implement action plans, including staff consultations and communications
Marketing tools to help you promote sustainable alternatives and personal travel plans
Advice on car sharing platforms and other behaviour-changing incentives
Ready to transform your company’s car parking, for good?
If you want to find out more about how a car park management strategy could help your business, please fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch soon.